Our Leaders

The impact is indelible and the anointing is undeniable. With a fire in his spirit and an unrelenting determination Bishop André L. Lee has dedicated his life to the fulfillment of God’s Will. He was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at the age of 12 and was called to preach the gospel at the age of 13 years old. Throughout the following years the Lord nurtured and anointed his evangelistic ministry while he labored as a pillar and armor bearer in the Full Gospel Holy Trample Ministry founded by Dr. Apostle Lobias Murray and Dr. Evangelist Shirley Murray. After serving God faithfully in ministerial capacities for several years, the pastoral mantle fell upon his life in the year of 1997. Once again Bishop Lee embraced the call of God and began crying out as a voice in the wilderness compelling men and women to come to Christ. Growing up as a saved young person, Bishop Lee understood the difficulties that surrounded young individuals living right in a wrong world. He has always had a special place in his heart for young people and has implemented several programs and ministries geared towards reaching and encouraging today’s youth. With the guidance of the Lord, Bishop Lee set forth initiatives on several programs such as: Youth Revivals, Mentorship Programs, Open Forums and panel discussions
to bridge the generational gap. In addition to the many facets of ministry that Bishop Lee is involved in locally, God has afforded him the opportunity to travel extensively throughout the United States and beyond. In every fire falling and power-packed sermon God confirms His Word with signs, miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost without fail. In January of 2010, Bishop Lee was featured on the Full Gospel Holy Temple’s World Headquarters “Broadcast of Deliverance” seen in over 100 countries world-wide preaching the polarizing message entitled “Surviving The Snake Bite.” This sermon alone has spawned countless calls and requests from the masses from far and near trying to obtain a copy of this powerful word. This anointed ministry has grown tremendously since its inception and it continues to flourish while upholding the standards of holiness.
At the International Holy Convocation 2015, our presiding prelate and Overseer, Dr. Apostle Herman L. Murray, The Council of Bishops and co- Founder, Dr. Shirley Murray, appointed Bishop Lee, Youth Congress President. He humbly accepted the mantle of responsibility to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor and mentor, the late Bishop Paul Cannon Jr.
At the International Holy Convocation 2019, our Overseer, Dr. Apostle Herman L. Murray, The Council of Bishops and co-Founder, Dr. Shirley Murray, appointed Pastor Lee to the office of Bishop Andre Lee. He once again humbly accepted the mantle of responsibility and is currently serving on the FGHT Inc. council of Bishops.
The passion that he has for preaching is only paralleled by his intensity in which he delivers his message. High energy and excitement is a staple in every sermon as Bishop Lee fervently declares, “Charge the Atmosphere with a Praise!”

First Lady Amy Lee is the wife of Bishop Andre' Lee of Houston Full Gospel Holy Temple Church and the mother of two beautiful daughters, A'Lyssah and A'Laynah. She will tell you that being in church has always been her heart’s desire from a young child. God beautifully saved and filled First Lady Lee with the Holy Ghost at the age of 15 under the leadership of the late Pastor Arthur Drummer of Simmesport FGHT. With a servant’s heart, First Lady Lee served faithfully on the Usher Board, sang in the choir and taught the Primary Sunday School class for several years. Along with those duties, she served as church secretary. Whatever her hands found to do, First Lady Lee did with all her might!
The anointing of the Lord was on her life from the very beginning to teach and preach the Word of God. She humbly yielded to the call that was upon her life as a minister. First Lady Lee participated as one of the first speakers in our Annual FGHT Youth Congress held every December, of which Bishop Lee is now President.
After marrying Bishop Lee and working diligently in the ministry, God transitioned them to leadership role and their pastoring journey began in 1997. God has afforded First Lady Lee the opportunity to travel to different cities and states to preach the gospel of deliverance to anyone that will listen. Her greatest joy is witnessing the delivering and transforming power of the Holy Ghost upon the life of a sinner. Evangelist Lee is the epitome of a holy woman of God which is rare in today’s church world. She is a goodly example to the young and old alike of a virtuous woman according to Proverbs 31. Almost forty years later, Evangelist Lee is still on the battlefield for her Lord!